The Gift of Time | Your Most Valuable Asset

Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in the USA. In a cardiac arrest, time becomes the most important factor in determining survival. This is why we have teamed up with Maryland’s American Heart Association.

Each year in this country, 350,000 people suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.  Tragically, only about ten percent will survive this event. Even more troubling, only about 50% even receive life-saving bystander CPR. It is the number one cause of death in America.

In a cardiac arrest, time becomes the most important factor in determining survival…how much time elapses before bystander CPR is initiated, how effectively is that rescuer performing life-saving compressions (100 beats / minute is ideal), how much time is required for an AED to be on the scene, and how much time does it take to get to advanced medical care. 

For someone who suffers an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, time can be both the enemy (how quickly they can be revived) and a gift…more time with family and friends. 

The story told at this year’s Baltimore & Greater Maryland Heart Ball illustrated the importance of time as the event featured the story and presence of a local cardiac arrest survivor who wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for one hero’s timely response. When the Maryland American Heart Association read our story in the Baltimore Sun a few months ago, a TWC timepiece was envisioned as the perfect final live auction item at their Annual Heart Ball to extend this theme of time and its importance in regard to tackling the cause. 

This year’s Maryland and Greater Baltimore Heart Ball put emphasis on timely practices that could save millions of lives in the fight against heart disease. We decided to donate our signature Limited Collection timepiece, the Pride II, for the final live auction item. The sailing schooner that the watch commemorates was essentially built in the backyard of the Heart Ball’s location, right in downtown Baltimore. It signifies our region’s continued commitment to innovation and progress in all areas, from shipbuilding to medicine.

Our contribution of a locally-made Pride II timepiece to the live auction solidified this theme and the importance of "gifting time." The Pride II was the final feature item of the live auction and sold for $5,000, with all proceeds generated for the American Heart Association. It’s incredible how much of an impact one timepiece can have on so many. That one Pride II #76 donated to the auction will have an everlasting sentimental value for its new owner and contribute to student CPR training that will save lives.

Learn more about Maryland's American Heart Association here :

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